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People who live off grid have a different day: This is precisely what life looks like for millions of people, myself included.
Crack open a cold one hobbit tv#
Come home, make dinner through either your microwave or stove, eat and watch TV or play on your computer, until it’s time for bed. It’s only modern normalcy to be able to get up in the morning, turn on the bathroom light, go to the bathroom, take a shower, blow your hair dry, get dressed and go down stairs to make yourself a cup a coffee, microwave a quick breakfast sandwich, jump in your car and drive to work. Usually with self-sustainable living, especially in a temperate climate like where we live (Southeastern Pennsylvania), the home and the land need to be constantly kept up and maintained, something that is usually unheard up in the modern world. Living off the grid can also get messy for those used to living in a stark clean home. (Shameless plug for two of my favorite people in the world, Colette and Jacqui – go visit them at and )

Homesteads and Small-Holdings are popping up all around the world, with people looking for ways to get back to the land. Now we have hobby farms, organic micro-farms, and real life community CSA’s. (what society thinks people who live off-grid look like) They alone inspired a current day revolution of self-sustainability. Going back as far as the 70’s and 80’s, society labeled these types of people as nomads or new age hobos. With poverty at an all-time high, people are searching endlessly for more sufficient ways to live, as well as finding ways to “have” things without having the almighty bill that undoubtedly comes with it. Why are so many people wanting to walk away from modern living? Well, money is the biggest issue I’ve learned. (Emma Orbach from Wales – who left her life to live a more primitive way – though this is a more severe way of off-grid living, it suits her and she is happier than ever) But I have learned from people I know, research I’ve done, that once you become acquainted with this way of living, 9 times out of 10, you will NEVER want to go back to a modern way of living.

If anything, it’s an incredibly hard way to live.
Crack open a cold one hobbit archive#
(Photo by Robert Rosamilio/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images) UNITED STATES – AUGUST 14: Times Square is plunged into darkness as the sun goes down after a massive power failure caused the largest power outage in the nation’s history, affecting 50 million people in parts of seven states and Canada. I have become so modernized that I have to admit, the idea of living off grid scares the hell out of me. So when we lose power in the middle of the night, my heart pounds and my chest tightens. Even myself, who crave white noise in order to sleep, will lose her proverbial mind when everything shuts down. Think about this: Nothing worse than getting caught in the middle of a storm and losing power. These are just a FEW of the many things we take for granted.

Opening up a door to a cold and temperature regulated refrigerator.Water automatically coming from a faucet with the flip of the wrist.Here are some ideas that I am talking about: When you live in a society of convenience and greed, you really have NOT a clue how much we as a people are used to having everything at our beck and call.
Crack open a cold one hobbit how to#
Well, at least learn how to live *a little * off grid. Since moving here last year, I have been researching ways to get around that. Unfortunately, where we live, it is illegal to live off grid. Hobbits of the Shire live a lifestyle what many of us call “off the grid”. (Hobbit homes in New Zealand as well as Peter Vetsch’s amazing architecture in Switzerland)